Psychology within the FBI

Psychology & the FBI
What is the most important factor in an unidentified subject's psychological profile?

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Independent Component 1

(a) I, Analysa Gallegos, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work. 
(b) During my independent component I attempted to focus mostly on psychology. Having previously taking a college Psychology class, I decided to find someone who could help me expand my research in the topic even more. Unfortunately, I was not able to get a FBI Profiler to help me, yet, but my mom's friend Elvia Arriaza who is in the FBI was able to help me by talking to people she knew and giving knowledge to me as to what to research and what to read. 
(c) Refer to the Independent Component Log 1 under Lists. 
(d) Through this new contact i was able to talk to many different and new people within the field my project is I'm. Mostly, I found credible sources and things to read that were a big help. I completed lots of research and made many new contacts that can help me in the future. 

My work for the Independent Component 1 consisted of lots of meeting new people and having interesting conversations with them. Because I talked to people who had already gone through the same process i hope to go though, they were able to provide me with materials and advice to use in the future. 

This helped me understand my topic better because unlike with research checks I knew a bit about the things I was about to look up and how it would be beneficial. Doing this for my Independent Component expanded knowledge of my foundation because unlike with my mentor Karen I was able to focus on the Psychology aspect, and not just FBI and law enforcement. This connection and expanded sources and information making it easier to narrow down my EQ while we were working on that and more recently develop my first answer and activity for my Lesson 2 Presentation. 

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